Friday, December 26, 2008

Taking Stock of the Holidays

Happy Holidays to all! I hope your vacations are going well, filled with family, friends, and maybe some relaxation. With some of my brothers moving away and getting married, the Christmas celebrations have become a bit spread out and there's much, much more running around to different places. My Christmas Eve day started at 8AM by driving to the airport to pick up one of my brothers and his girlfriend, taking them to mom's, then our local bar (yes, at 11AM), then to my brother and sister-in-laws, then my girlfriend's, then to the brother's girlfriend's dad's house, then I went back to my other brother's, then back to the bar, then home at 11PM, where I promptly crashed. Luckily Christmas morning was easier, just going over to mom's. I got some good loot: a Wiimote, Mario Brothers Galaxies, lots of clothes, an autographed picture of Bernie Kosar (replacing the one I lost in the fire) and a new Calloway driver, which I really needed! All in all, a successful day.

MBA season has been in a holding pattern for the last few days, and it'll continue until after the New Year. I guess the Adcoms deserve time off as well! I'm sort of in the home stretch for a few schools, with decisions from three schools (Georgetown, Wake Forest and UNC) all due between January 12th and February 9th. Duke won't release until March, and who knows what is happening with UCLA. Either I was moved to round two (likely) or I'm getting dinged.

I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Years! And remember, if you're going to make resolutions, try to keep it to just one or two. Too many and you won't do any of them!

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