Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Things Are Starting To Roll

It seems every other day, when I check the admitted students website, there's a new form or piece of information. I posted the other week about some forms being put online; now, most of them are available. Also, the economics pre-term work is up; I need to find a book and start studying. I'm almost done with the Excel portion and plan to do the accounting work when I get back from Vegas.

Housing is taken care of, so I finally have a place to live. It's a house, down the road from campus, with a fellow MBA student. Also, the specs for our laptops have been posted. I held out a tiny sliver of hope that we'd be getting Macbook Pros, but alas, WFU stuck with Lenovo. Each student (Wake provides laptops to every student; undergrads replace theirs after their sophomore year, and you keep the laptop once you graduate) will get a shiny new Lenovo Thinkpad T400 during orientation, as well as a printer. Cool stuff!

I have five more days of work left! It sounds so strange to think, after more than four years, it will soon be over

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Let The Work Begin

Ask and you shall receive! I checked the admitted students website and lo and behold, two of the three pre-term assignments were posted. I've got some Excel prep work to do and I have to choose one of three options for financial accounting practice. I remember a bit of accounting from my undergrad days, but as my current job doesn't use much of it, I've forgotten most of it. I'm most likely going to choose the online option, for $55. I hope it's intuitive and easy to follow!

Also posted was the medical form. I have until July 1st to track down my medical records (not easy when you've moved twice in the past year and a half) and get a physical. I haven't been to a doctor since 2000! There's still more stuff to be posted (insurance, course registration, etc.) but at least it seems like we've officially moved from admitted students to actual students

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The calendar has turned to June. Summer is starting soon, the weather is finally getting some regularity (no more thirty degree temperature differences in a 24-hour span!), and lazy times are descending. I'm in my last 28 days of working at my current job and as I transition things I find myself with tons of free time. I think I only have five more deliverables!

In terms of school, I've started taking stock of what else must be done. I see health insurance forms, medical history and physical to be completed, pre-term work yet to be announced. I wish it would all start now so I can get going, instead of waiting around. Some of my future classmates have already moved to Winston-Salem and I look forward to joining them next month.

One thing I've noticed is that I've stopped following the new applicant bloggers (class of 2012), instead focusing more on the current students and my fellow admits. I'm very thankful that JulyDream has continued to update her blog throughout her internship, otherwise I wouldn't have much to read!